Susan Campbell Bartoletti

Nobody's Diggier Than a Dog

Nobody's Nosier Than a Cat

Nobody's Diggier Than a Dog
Nobody's Diggier Than a Dog
Nobody's Nosier Than a Cat
Nobody's Nosier Than a Cat

by Susan Campbell Bartoletti
illus by Beppe Giacobbe

Hyperion, 2003 (Cat), 2005 (Dog)
(Cat) hardcover: 978-0786816149
(Dog) hardcover: 978-0786818242

36 pages, ages 3 to 6

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About the Books

These two are companion books, and it’s true: Nobody’s nosier or dozier or trickier or lickier than a cat, and nobody’s diggier or piggier or naggier or waggier than a dog. Written in a list poem, rhyming style, these stories offer humor and imagination to describe cats and dogs.


Nobody’s Nosier Than a Cat: Bartoletti makes a statement regarding a specific feline characteristic (“Nobody’s prowlier/than a cat-“) and follows it by two descriptors that amplify or reinforce the initial statement (“a sneak-a-peek cat,/a hide-`n’-seek cat”). … Giacobbe’s digitally rendered illustrations use clean lines and a bright palette to showcase the animals in a wide range of amusing poses and situations. (Grace Oliff, School Library Journal)

Nobody’s Nosier Than a Cat: Bartoletti’s ode to house cats uses all sorts of adjectives, old and new, to suggest feline variety (“Nobody’s hoaxier than a cat—an in-a-sack cat, a sneak-attack cat. / Nobody’s coaxier than a cat—a round-the-leg, in-your-face, feed me NOW cat”), and Giacobbe’s humorous illustrations, with cats darting in and out of the pages, play nicely off of Bartoletti’s jaunty rhymes. (Abby Nolan, Booklist)

Nobody’s Diggier Than a Dog: … The short verses are just right for sharing aloud with young children and easy enough for beginning readers to handle on their own. The paintings tell their own story as a dachshund chases a black cat through each of the single- and double-page scenes. … A lively and engaging picture book for young dog lovers. (Sally R. Dow, School Library Journal)

Nobody’s Diggier Than a Dog: … Bartoletti’s freewheeling text finds suitably energetic expression in Giacobbe’s stylized artwork … An affectionate, uncensored view of dogs doing their doggy thing. (Jennifer Mattson, Booklist)